Integrally Informed

VisionLab visualized on 7,5m – Economy and Consciousness

Graphic Recording auf dem Ecomony & Consciousness VisionLab - Thomas Hübl und Scila Elworthy vor dem Bild

During the VisionLab “Economy and Consciousness” at the occasion of the Celebrate Life Festival 2012 a 7,5 meter long live visualization (Graphic Recording) was created. Teams working on future visions brought together professionals of various industries together with experts of “inner science”. Thus participants were enabled to anticipate the (in many systems much needed) consciousness shift, […]

Swiss Economic Forum – High End Graphic Recording

Ein visuelles Protokoll entsteht: Graphic Recording bei der Konferenz Swiss Economic Forum - "Discover Potential"

Graphic Recording, innovative visual minutes for the renowned Swiss Economic Form conference, along with daily visual conference summaries on flipcharts.

Piaget: Visualized Developmental Stages

Developmental levels, according to Piaget’s findings, in a visual summary. It is one of many developmental models and (looking through an integral lens) plays a role in an all-embracing analysis of human development and all intelligences.

Change of Perspectives enabled!

"Piano-Illusion": Optische Täuschung, welche die Abhängigkeit der Perspektive des Betrachters verdeutlicht. Klavier gebaut von Shigeo Fukuda.

Perspectives that we are able to take determine what we perceive. The more perspectives we are able to include, the more sophisticated solutions get. Our visual products and services contribute to perspective-taking, as do process facilitators and consultants we work with. Why is perspective-taking of high relevance? An integral approach is capable of looking onto […]

Holacracy™ Explained Visually – A New Organizational Practice

Holakratie / Holacracy visuelle Trainingsmaterialien von Integral Information Architecture

Holacracy™ explained visually – a new practice of structuring, leading and governing an organization. It represents a ‘new operating system’, that fosters rapid development self organization. HolacracyOne writes: Over the past two decades, dozens of thought-leaders have pointed the way to new capacities organizations must develop to thrive amidst our 21st century challenges. These visionaries […]

Developmental Stages

Graphic Recording auf dem Ecomony & Consciousness VisionLab - Ausschnitt Entwicklungsstufen

“Levels/stages” relate to the fact that everything develops in levels. As Source Integral wrote: “After 30 years of mostly Harvard-based research (e.g., Kegan, Cook-Greuter, Kohlberg, Gilligan, Piaget, Loevinger), there is strong academic consensus that the human mind organizes and develops in levels along predictably stable lines, levels and lines that can be measured. The mind […]

The Way Things Are?

Infografik "Wie die Dinge sind" - Wir betrachten die Welt und jedes einzelne seiner Phänomene und denken und handeln, als würden wir die Dinge sehen wie sie sind.

Infographic: We behave and act as if we would see the world as it is – while layer after layer of perceptive veils obstruct our ability to see us and all phenomena they way they really are: The visual line of the viewer (bottom left) fades out to the world (top right). In between lie […]