Integral Future Workshop
We apply innovative methods related to core questions that will decide our future. Therein, multi-perspectivic and multi-dimensional (integral) orientation guides and systemic constellation work are applied. We enable you to connect your existing knowledge and talent within the organization to new approaches of future alignment. Information about current favorable and disadvantageous gobal developments can be incorporated into new beneficial future scenarios.
1. Future Development
We give two hours of input on the current developments in the world. Thereafter, we discuss any possible impact on your organization in relation to your future outlook and questions. The result is a concrete phrased problem for the Future Workshop. (4 hours)
2. Small Future Workshop (8 to 25 participants)
In a circle of representants of operation / business segment leaders and relevant experts, i.e. also clients and suppliers, we guide you through a one-day workshop. We create a creative frame for emerging processes and help you to overcome old thought and focus skills and talent of the participiants onto the core problems. Collective intelligence can arise and reveal new paths into the future. (One day each preparation, realization and evaluation)
3. Large Future Workshop (26 to 100 plus X participants)
For a large event setting preparation and realization grow into more effort with the principles staying the same. We add a detailed and customized process design and logistical arrangements. (Time and cost according to a review of the demand and proposal)
4. Evaluation of Results & Strategy Workshop
Future Workshop results are evaluated in a meaning-making circle of people and analyzed in respect to strategic scenarios. (One day)
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